Our mission is to be a city refuge that will help to calm your mind and uplift your spirits as it strengthens and grounds you, whether you come to join us in a dynamic yoga class, a moment of stillness in meditation, or a joyous kirtan.

We hope that your time with us will be a parentheses of peace and an opportunity for greater connectedness and a source of inspiration that you will carry with you back out into daily life.


New to Montmartre but not to Paris, the CAELO Story began in 2015. Perhaps not by chance in Montmartre.

05.10.2015. On a beautiful Fall night, over 200 members of the growing Paris yoga community, came together at Cinema Studio 28 in Montmartre, for a magical evening surrounding the avant-première of AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda, a pre-launch event for a new yoga studio named CAELO.

As much attention to detail has been devoted to the physical space as it has been on the teaching schedule and educational programs and workshops, with a color scheme reflective of the name and identity of CAELO, in all-natural pigments created by Italian painter Oronzo d’Agostino.

You will also find only the highest quality yoga equipment including mats from Jade and specially ordered colourful Mexican blankets; and furniture and furnishings from India, Egypt, Afghanistan and China.

Caelo Yoga Paris

The CAELO story continued in January 2016 as we opened our doors, established our home and united our community in a warm and vibrant, truly unique haven, CAELO YOGA’s original location – 55 rue Montmartre in heart of Paris’s 2nd district. We had the great joy of welcoming so many – teachers, students, friends, families, international guests, and travelers – and of creating so many happy memories together there for over 4 years. However, in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and its many repercussions, the doors to this very special place, dear to our own hearts and to many others, closed permanently in December 2020.

TODAY what in many ways has always been a Montmartre story, continues at 34 rue Ramey, guided by the same vision, and putting at the service of our community the wisdom and experience gained there over the years.
At once it is a new departure and the continuation of an ongoing mission – through the warm and welcoming space we hold, the human connections we honor and cultivate and through the practices of yoga, to provide our community with the tools for their own personal well-being, healing, wholeness and transformation.

Next Retreat


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Next Training

An urban retreat that will help calm your mind and lift your spirits while strengthening you

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Caelo Yoga Paris Jennifer Ruiz

Born in New York, and arriving in Paris by way of Los Angeles in 1990, Jennifer has been calling the City of Lights home for nearly 30 years. Entreprenuer, certified Jivamukti, Vinyasa, Yin, Trauma-informed yoga instructor, and Sound Healing journeyer, with Jennifer East & West coast and European influences, along with both Mexican and American family origins, merge and give rise to a desire to create an atmosphere and an experience of yoga that generates warmth, sharing, connection, joy and love for students – like a family.


Along with this aim, CAELO YOGA sprung forth from Jennifer’s desire to share the strong belief that yoga has the power change lives – both collectively and individually and to bring about transformation, healing and a greater sense of unity amongst all sentient beings. The utimate shared aim at CAELO YOGA is for every student to be supported on their own yogic journey and through this to connect with a greater sense of their own unique gifts, path and purpose in this life that comes through Self-realization.

Through the diversity of classes offered by CAELO’s incredibly talented team of teachers, we hope that each student’s advancement on the path of Yoga will enable them to find a greater measure of peace and well- being within their own lives, while simultaneously realizing their unique ability to positively impact the lives of others.

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